Doggy De-stress day at JD

This month our Mental Health First Aiders organised our second doggy de-stress day where we were visited by 3 very friendly dogs who live at local kennels. Our visitors were Africa - a retired service Labrador,  Frankie - a long-haired rescue Dachshund and Badger - a Dachshund bred at the kennels, who all loved getting to meet our team.


The visit gave JD employees an opportunity to spend a bit of time relaxing with the dogs throughout the day, which has the following benefits:

  • Just 10 minutes with a dog can reduce levels of cortisol.

  • Studies show that the simple act of stroking a dog releases a relaxation response and promotes the release of serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin, all hormones that can play a part in elevating mood and reducing anxiety.

  • Dogs can reduce the focus on negative emotions and promote feelings of safety and comfort.


 We had great feedback from the day and hope for another doggy visit soon.


Supporting the local Foodbank over summer


Purr-fectly dressed: Our fancy dress fundraiser for Animals in Need